Tuesday 24 April 2012

Post on fifth adhyaya.

          Today is the auspicious Akshayya Trutiya. Our Guru Shri Bappasaheb used to teach us something new on this day every year. I can only remember those good old days and try to inculcate i those invaluable teachings in myself. For the present, let me start today's post. 

In fifth adhyaya also, Arjuna asks similar question as he had asked in the third adhyaya.  However, there is slight difference in these questions as Arjuna is slowly coming out of confused status. Here, Arjuna is asking Krishna that on one hand you praise the path of knowledge and advise to renunciate all the karmas. On the other hand, you ask me to perform karmas as no one can live without performing them. This puts me in dilemma, so please tell me conclusively which path should I adopt for my welfare?  The Lord was really happy to answer and said that there is no difference in the path of sankhyas leading to sannyasa or in the path of karma yogis, who perform karmas without attachment in  fruits. A devotee properly practicing any one of these two would attain the common goal of both  i.e. self realization. At the same time, the Lord concludes in the same shloka that between the Sannyasa and karma yoga, the later is better.

श्रीभगवानुवाचः संन्यासं कर्मयोगश्च निःश्रेयसकरावुभौ ।  
 तयोस्तु कर्मसंन्यासात् कर्मयोगो विशिष्यते ॥ २ ॥

Shri Bhagwan said:

Practicing renunciation (sannyasa) of karmas and performing the Karma yoga both would lead the aspirant to beatitude (nishreyas). However, of the two, Karma yoga i.e. performance of karmas in a detached and selfless way is definitely superior           

Then the Lord starts describing status of a  devotee, who has accomplished spiritual goal. by practicing this yoga. In shloka 17 he says---

तद् बुद्धयस्तदात्मानस्तन्निष्ठास्तत्परायणाः । 
            गच्छन्त्यपुनरावृत्ति ज्ञाननिर्धूतकल्मषाः ॥ १७ ॥

  All the sins of an aspirant, whose intellect is converged in Him i.e. Brahman, whose self is merged in Him, who is fully devoted to Him and whose all actions terminate in Him; get washed away by His Dnyana. That aspirant reaches such destination from where there is no return to this world. In short, he gets freed from the cycle of death and birth. 

As commentary on this shloka i Dnyandeva has written following two ovis which I thought proper for discussion in this post. 

     बुद्धिनिश्चयें आत्मज्ञान । ब्रह्मरुप भावी आपणा आपण । 
     ब्रह्मनिष्ठा राखे पूर्ण । तत्परायण अहर्निशीं ॥ ८७ ॥

          When a yogi attains firm knowledge of Atman (Atma - dnyana) in his intellect, he  gets convinced that he is the form and being of Brahman (Supreme Self) and maintains total identification with that form of Brahman, all through day and night.

            ते बुद्धी धुरे करुनी । कर्म करिती चित्त देऊनी । 
      परि ते नैष्कम्यापासुनी ।  मुक्त दिसती ॥ ६१ ॥

Such yogis perform karmas by applying their intellect and mind, yet they look to be more free from bondage of these karmas compared with those, who practice naishkarmyata i.e. actionlessness or abstinence from activity and its consequences. Why it happens is explained in the next ovi.

    जें बुद्धीचिये ठावूनि देही । तयां अंहकाराची सेचि नाहीं । म्हणोनि कर्म करितां पाही । 
       चोखाळले ॥ ६२ ॥

 While performing karmas, they do not even remember the ego in their intellect, mind or body. As a result, they acquire total purity through these  karmas.

There are  a few more ovis in the adhyaya about such yogi, who being 'Brahmavid' i.e. knower of Brahman, stays in Brahman all the time etc. We will, however see a wonderful ovi in the  adhyaya describing importance of karma yoga for all the seekers. I would like to draw attention of the readers to beauty of the simile used by Dnyaneshwar Mauli. The ovi is as under::

तरी जाणां नेणां सकळां । हा कर्मयोगु कीर प्रांजळा । 
जैसी नाव स्त्रियां बाळां । तोयतरणीं ॥ १६ ॥

As a boat is convenient for everyone including ladies and children for crossing a river; karma  yoga    is easy and suitable for all the aspirants of liberation whether they are knowledgeable or ignorant. we will discuss such ovis in detail  in our next round of this adhyaya in  due course.In our next post we will discuss a few important ovis from the sixth adhyaya. 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Dnyaneshwari in English:

Post on fourth adhyaya.

क्षमस्व!   क्षमस्व!   क्षमस्व!    I beg pardon of all the readers and followers for the delay in publishing this post. It happened due to some unavoidable personal difficulties.   Hopefully, there will be no irregularity in future and postings on the blog henceforth will be published at regular intervals. Now, let me concentrate on today's post.  

Which is the yoga professed by Lord Krishna in fourth adhyaya of Bhagwad Geeta?

          Fourth adhyaya starts with a proclamation by Lord Krishna to Arjuna that the yoga now being preached was earlier taught by him  to Sun God (Viwaswan) in distant past. The Sun-God-Wiswan passed it on to his son Manu. Manu practiced this yoga and then expounded it to his son Ikshwaku. In this way, this yoga was traditionally practiced and followed by a few generations of Sun Dynasty (Surya-vansha). This was called as Rajarshi-Vidhya, which was learnt and adopted by some other yogis also. They were known as Rajarshis i.e.royal sages or philosopher kings. King Janaka was one of them. However, with passage of time, number of followers of this Rajarshi-Vidhya reduced to almost zero because, the kings and other people started giving more importance to and became interested in fulfillment of their sensory, physical and  worldly enjoyments rather than yearning for liberation through spiritual achievements. As a result, in the days of Krishna and Arjuna, this yoga (by practicing which, an aspirant can easily attain self realization i.e. Atma-bodha), was totally forgotten, went out of practice and no one even remembered about it.  In this background we should see the first shloka of fourth adhyaya given below.
श्रीभगनानुवाच:- इमं विवस्वते योगं प्रोक्तवानहमव्ययम् ।
विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवेऽब्रवीत् ॥ १ ॥
Shri Bhagwan said:

“I taught this everlasting and imperishable yoga to Viwaswan, the Sun God. He gave it to Manu (his son) and Manu extended it to his son Ikshkwaku”.

While commenting on this shloka, Dnyaneshwar Mauli wrote as under:

        तोचि हा आजि आतां तुजप्रती कुंतीसुता सांगितला आम्हीं तत्त्वता भ्रांति करीं ।। ४-२७ ।।

4-27. (Shrikrishna tells Arjuna) - O son of Kunti (अर्जुना), today I have advised you in principle, essence of the same eternal and primal yoga that I had taught to Sun God. Do not have any doubt or delusion about it.   

          This declaration of the Lord to Arjuna that the same yoga is being narrated,  reminds me of my postings on second adhyaya dated 12th and 22nd March 2012 on this blog describing importance of Buddhi yoga. In fact, up to this point in Bhagwad Geeta, Buddhi yoga has been espoused by the Lord as  main subject . I am restraining myself from discussion on Buddhi yoga here in this fourth adhyaya because,  the main theme of this adhyaya is “Dnyana yoga” (yoga of knowledge of Atman). As per the scheme of Geeta, every adhyaya has its own theme and purpose for motivating Arjuna to discard his despondency and commence the battle. This arrangement has to be honoured and therefore without diverting, I am coming back to description of fourth adhyaya.  

          While confirming that it is the same original yoga, the Lord said that this yoga was till then conserved by him as topmost secret, but Arjuna being his dearest friend and devotee, he could not stop  its disclosure to Arjuna. 

          Upon this, Arjuna expressed a doubt that Krishna is of present generation and Viwaswan and Manu had lived hundreds of generations behind; how could Krishna teach this yoga to them?  Lord satisfied the query by telling Arjuna that you and I have taken many births on this earth. I remember them all because, I am incarnation of the Supreme Self and take birth on the earth with the help of my own Maya i.e. prakriti, while you are born as a human being, who cannot remember any of the previous births. In other words, the theory of re-birth has been introduced here by the Lord. The reason given by the Lord  for incarnation was protection of dharma i.e. righteousness and  the righteous people.  

         Then comes the idea that the Parabrahman (Supreme Being) is only one entity and all other deities imagined by the human beings are its manifestations only. So, whichever deity a person may be worshipping, in effect he is worshipping the Supreme Being alone. All the benefits accrued to a person from his devotion to some particular God,  are in fact bestowed on him by the Supreme Being in the name of that particular deity. .

          The Lord also declares that he has constituted four classes in the society (chaturvarnya) based on the gunas (attributes of prakriti) and prescribed the karmas for them in the social system. The Lord has said in the same breath that though he has created these four classes, in reality he is not their creator. This averment of Lord needs to be discussed in detail and we will do that in some of our forthcoming postings. 

          Ahead in this fourth adhyaya, the Lord described true nature and inevitability of karma i.e. action. distinguished from the concepts of akarma i.e. inaction and naishkarmya i.e. actionlessness. Thereafter, importance of Dnyana i.e. knowledge abut Atman is described. This dnyana is subject of atindriya spiritual experience (beyond sensory perception) distinct from the material information that is generally considered as dnyana. This dnyana has to be gained from the dnyani (experienced wise) persons by humbly serving them. This dnyana kindles a fire called Dnyanagni in the mind, intellect and body of the devotee aspiring for liberation. All karmas of the aspirant with their binding effect get burnt in this dnyanagni, purifying  and leading him to final beatitude.  

          The Lord has also narrated how Dnyana-yadnya i.e. sacrifice by knowledge is best among all the other sacrifices. This again is a subject that requires lot of discussion and we will discuss it in future.

          In the next posting, I propose to discuss some important aspects of the fifth adhyaya, which has been named by some of the commentators of Geeta as yoga-garbha adhyaya. i.e. it gives an idea as to how the concept of yoga got conceived in the mind of Arjuna.