Thursday 23 February 2012

Sant Shri Dnyaneshwar
       Dnyaneshwari is commentary in  poetic form in Marathi language on Bhagwad Geeta authored by Sant Dnyaneshwar more than seven hundred years ago. (Sant is Marathi equivalent of saint.) 

          Out of 67 years of my age, almost for 48 years I am in association with Dnyaneshwari either by way of reading it, reciting it, understanding it or practicing and taking experiences of some of its ovis (couplets). All this I did under guidance of my Guru (Preceptor) Shri Bappasaheb Rushipathak (Modi Rushi) from Aurangabad in Maharashtra for the first 24 years during his life time and thereafter under his spiritual guidance and inspiration. 
       Whatever worldly activities I was involved in these 48 years, never did I forget my Guru and his teachings. With his blessings, I am quite fit and fine in all respects, though I started running 68 th year recently. 

          As per the inspiration received from my Guru,   I have been translating Dnyaneshwari in simple English for last four years. Not that there are no English translations of Dnyaneshwari available, (there are more than a dozen).  However, I found them all a little difficult to understand for two reasons; firstly because of language and secondly they are not ovi-specific and do not contain Marathi text of the ovis. As a result while reading them, it becomes necessary to keep Dnyaneshwari and a dictionary by the side, which makes a reader uncomfortable.. I have removed  these draw-backs  by using simple English and including Marathi ovis in the translation work.   

           In fact, I wanted to publish  this translation in the form of a book, but considering its volume and low popularity of the subject, I  could not find a publisher, who would take responsibility of its distribution..The cost involved was also phenomenal. So I am now thinking to publish it as an e-book by way of DVD. That process has just started. In the meanwhile, I decided to start this blog, The intention is to spread the message and  of Dnyaneshwari among the netizens. Who knows, some of them may get attracted to its philosophy. In a day or two, I will do further postings on this blog. My e-mail address is

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